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Besides hand illustrating each piece himself, Atencio infuses creativity into everything he does, from personally designing each of his seven Colorado stores to painting the art for his galleries’ walls.
A career that spans 40 years of creating elegant jewelry in Denver has taught John Atencio a thing or two about crafting unique designs for his clients. Besides hand illustrating each piece himself, Atencio infuses creativity into everything he does, from personally designing each of his seven Colorado stores to painting the art for his galleries’ walls.
Each location is more of an art studio or gallery rather than a jewelry store, fitting for an artist who is passionate about his life’s calling. And if you ask Antencio where all the inspiration comes from, he’ll say, “I draw every day. Sometimes I’ll spend the whole day creating in my studio. I never run out of ideas.”
Every career has a point of inspiration and Antencio’s first attempt at making jewelry was as a business student at Colorado State University. He wanted to give his girlfriend a ring, so made one out of silver. It was the first jewelry design to his credit and the launching point for thousands more to follow. Each piece of fine jewelry hand designed by the longtime artist has its own compelling story.
So when you’re strolling through Denver’s iconic Larimer Square or Cherry Creek North and see a little glimmer out of the corner of your eye, follow it. It could lead to a cherished present for a loved one, or better yet, a precious and lasting gift to yourself!
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