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Business and leisure travelers to Denver are having a positive financial impact locally. Meet some of the business owners and industry professionals who make their living and create jobs through the power of tourism.
Let's face it, tourism is about service. And there's no greater art for a human being to participate in than the art of giving service. If you understand how to get along with people, how to listen, how to serve — you understand everything.
About 25 percent of our customers are out-of-town visitors. The restaurants contribute revenue, sales tax and jobs. We have created more than 250 jobs with four restaurants.
Denver Arts Week has been very helpful to us. It's been beneficial to get the different arts districts together. It's given us a better and a stronger voice.
Kids really need to see a farm. You ask a kid, 'Where does milk come from?' And they say, 'The store.' A lot of people don't even know you can milk a sheep.
Denver wouldn't be where it is today if it wasn't for tourism. You wouldn't have the 16th Street Mall. You wouldn't be able to support the Denver Performing Arts Complex or Cherry Creek Shopping Center. Or the sports teams.